Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Brittney Griner

Brittney Griner is a 6'8" women's collegiate basketball player for the Baylor Lady Bears. She averaged 23.8 points this past season with 18 dunks throughout her college career. Undoubtedly, she is great. It is athletes like this young woman who are paving the way for future great, young female athletes just like herself, she deserves all of our respect and praise. However, the controversy about whether she can play with the men, is a matter all of its own. In my opinion, as a young female athlete who greatly admires women who can play their game at the level that Miss Griner does, I do not believe that she could hack it with the men. The games are too different, the size, speed and physicality of male professional basketball players would be like nothing she has ever experienced. That does not, however; take away from her achievements and her greatness as a female athlete, and I am not saying that if she were to have a chance to play with the men that she shouldn't take it, but that should not be her main focus. Her main focus should be to keep being great and to keep being a role model and to keep paving the way for future young athletes.

 Birdsong, Nick. ""A Woman Can't Play Against Men"" N.p., 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <>.


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